Tuesday, November 27, 2012

15 Things All Moms Can Agree On (Hopefully...Well, Maybe ...

In light of the election that took place earlier this month and a country divided, I was inspired by a post from treehugger.com which highlighted?26 Things We Can All Agree On. I began contemplating the subject of motherhood with its diverse outlooks, beliefs, and countless ways we?ve amassed to raise our children. Aside from our individualities, are there any fundamental, concrete principles that all mothers can agree on? I hope so! Let?s face it, we all have an opinion, but at the end of the day what binds us is we all answer to that word, ?Mom.? Or?Mommy?or?Mama?or?Mom Mom Mom Mom Mom!?or?Madre?or?Mamacita?or Ma?or?well you catch my drift.

Spit-up, throw-up, early mornings, late nights. Infants, toddlers, teenagers. Just when we think we have it?all?figured out, motherhood throws us another damn curve ball. Well at least she keeps us on our toes. I for one am up for the challenge. You?

15 Things All Moms Can Agree On (Hopefully) (Well, Maybe?):

1.?Motherhood is tough.?This ongoing journey of ups and downs and winding roads is ever-changing and ever-challenging. Motherhood is an enormous task which reaps enormous rewards.

2.?LOVE is all you need. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE.?I. LOVE. YOU.?Tell them. Show them. Repeatedly. Again and Again and Again.

3.?Mistakes are inevitable. They happen. More often than not. Let?s recognize the ones we?ve made and look to a future of not repeating them.

4.?Every child?is different.?But wait a minute, my first baby slept through night no problem. Uh huh. Doesn?t mean a thing. The sooner we realize that not all kids are the same, the better off we?ll be. Agree?

5.?Mom Guilt.?We all have it. We all recognize it. We all need to get over it and stop putting so much undue stress and pressure on ourselves. What?s the deal with us doing that anyways? Oh right,?mom guilt.

6.?Children are our teachers.?There is so much we can discover about ourselves from our children. We just need to take the time to slow down and learn the lessons. Patience, tolerance, spirit, hope, passion, honesty, excitement, acceptance?

7.?Time goes by too fast.?Days are long, but the years are short. A first-born will soon be taking a first step. Savor every moment. Yes, even that moment when the baby is crying incessantly and the toddler is yanking on your leg telling you that she just flushed your keys down the potty.?Okay well not every moment.

8.?Self-confidence -?We need it, desperately. It?s right there?inside?you. Find it. NOW.

9.?Mother?s change the world.?We are raising future generations.?This requires no further explanation.?

10.?We are all in this together.?Although we are highly diverse in appearance and culture, our instincts at the core virtually remain the same. To teach, to nurture, to bring up compassionate, hard-working, intelligent, healthy, responsible human beings that contribute something positive to society.?Not too much to ask for, right? If you?re doubt, please refer to #8.

11.?A Step-by-Step Guide to Motherhood DOES NOT exist. In motherhood we learn from that thing called?EXPERIENCE.

12.?We CAN NOT please everyone. Not even going to try to.

13.?Sleep is a necessity.?For mom. For dad. For kids. For?sanity.

14.?Taking a [hot/cold] shower may equate to a week-long vacation.?I was going to attribute this one to new moms especially, but I think all mothers can agree that five minutes in the shower has the ability to renew and recharge us ??even?if we have ?mommy brain? and think we can hear someone calling our name the entire time.

15.?Balance is something we all strive for.?On the outside. On the inside. Within our family, within our friendships, within our careers, within ourselves.

?Motherhood brings as much joy as ever?Nothing else ever will make you as happy or as sad, as proud or as tired, for nothing is quite as hard as helping a person develop her (his) own individuality especially while you struggle to keep your own.? ? Marguerite Kelly and Elia Parsons

Have more to add? Please do so below!??

Source: http://skinnymom.com/2012/11/25/15-things-all-moms-can-agree-on-hopefully-well-maybe/

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